Yoga for Mental Health Certified!

Learn more about techniques & tools to help with different areas of mental health. Get a jump on learning the latest research-based tools that can help in the healing process. 

"Yoga is a safe way to experience yourself. 
Yoga gives you courage to face your sensations." 
- Bessel van der Kolk, Body Keeps the Score


Here's what people are saying about the certification...

"I loved this course. It's so applicable in the classroom setting, to help people feel comfortable & safe. Also outside of the classroom, to help those around me."

-- Romy, Yoga Instructor

"I learned a lot from this course. I can easily integrate what I learned into my personal practice, and suggest tools for my clients to use."

-- Melissa, Counselor

"This is the first time in years I've truly felt happy - as I learned & experienced how yoga can help with my mental health."

-- Beverli, Yogi

Expand your knowledge. Make a difference.

Gain the knowledge with techniques & tools to help make a large difference in lives of those you have in your classrooms, those you counseling and for yourself. 

Benefits of the Yoga for Mental Health Certification

✔️  Deepen Your Knowledge

✔️  Enhance Your Practice

✔️  Stand Out as an Instructor

✔️  Run Community Workshops

✔️  Transform Lives and Communities

✔️  Support Clients Professionally

✔️  Empower Educators

✔️  Receive Personalized Mentorship

✔️  Access Exclusive Resources

✔️  Build Long-Term Impact

What is included in the certification course?

Course 1: Introduction to Yoga and Mental Health

Course 2: A Teacher's Approach: A Friend or Foe to Mental Health

Course 3: Adaptive Yoga - A Key to Mental Health

Course 4: Trauma Informed Yoga - 10 Elements

Course 5: The Breath - A Healing Tool

Course 6: Mindfulness and Meditation

Bonus FREE Resources: Limited Time Offer

By signing up for this certification NOW, you get access to additional resources.
Limited time offer with the 1-on-1 coaching. TOTAL VALUE WORTH = $900

Lesson Plans:
Get lesson plans to help integrate mental health techniques into your classes & personal practice.
$150 FREE

Workshop Curriculum:
Access 4 workshop outlines to use for your own community classes, which include flyers.
$250 FREE

1-on-1 Coaching:
During the certification process, you will have access to 1-on-1 calls with Dr. Angie Holzer. Limited time offer!
$500 FREE

About this course

30-Day Money Back Guaranteed

Not satisfied. You can get a full refund within the first 30-days of your purchase. No questions asked. 


Areas of Mental Health and Other Resources