Yoga for Mental Health Certified!

Learn more about techniques & tools to help with different areas of mental health. Get a jump on learning the latest research-based tools that can help in the healing process. 

"Yoga is a safe way to experience yourself. 
Yoga gives you courage to face your sensations." 
- Bessel van der Kolk, Body Keeps the Score

40-Hour Certification Course

Here's what people are saying about the certification...

"I loved this course. It's so applicable in the classroom setting, to help people feel comfortable & safe. Also outside of the classroom, to help those around me."

-- Romy, Yoga Instructor

"I learned a lot from this course. I can easily integrate what I learned into my personal practice, and suggest tools for my clients to use."

-- Melissa, Counselor

"This is the first time in years I've truly felt happy - as I learned & experienced how yoga can help with my mental health."

-- Beverli, Yogi

Expand your knowledge. Make a difference.

Gain the knowledge with techniques & tools to help make a large difference in lives of those you have in your classrooms, those you counseling and for yourself. 

Benefits of the Yoga for Mental Health Certification

✔️  Deepen Your Knowledge

✔️  Enhance Your Practice

✔️  Stand Out as an Instructor

✔️  Run Community Workshops

✔️  Transform Lives and Communities

✔️  Support Clients Professionally

✔️  Empower Educators

✔️  Receive Personalized Mentorship

✔️  Access Exclusive Resources

✔️  Build Long-Term Impact

What is included in the certification course?

Course 1: Introduction to Yoga and Mental Health

Course 2: A Teacher's Approach: A Friend or Foe to Mental Health

Course 3: Adaptive Yoga - A Key to Mental Health

Course 4: Trauma Informed Yoga - 10 Elements

Course 5: The Breath - A Healing Tool

Course 6: Mindfulness and Meditation

Bonus FREE Resources: Limited Time Offer

By signing up for this certification NOW, you get access to additional resources.
Limited time offer with the 1-on-1 coaching. TOTAL VALUE WORTH = $900

Lesson Plans:
Get lesson plans to help integrate mental health techniques into your classes & personal practice.
$150 FREE

Workshop Curriculum:
Access 4 workshop outlines to use for your own community classes, which include flyers.
$250 FREE

1-on-1 Coaching:
During the certification process, you will have access to 1-on-1 calls with Dr. Angie Holzer. Limited time offer!
$500 FREE

About this course

30-Day Money Back Guaranteed

Not satisfied. You can get a full refund within the first 30-days of your purchase. No questions asked. 


"Yoga is a safe way to experience yourself. 
Yoga gives you courage to face your sensations." 
- Bessel van der Kolk, Body Keeps the Score


Areas of Mental Health and Other Resources